Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Tentative Cat Party

I'm pleased to announce a brand new era of cat party at my new gaff 'The Royal Oak' in Hackney.
As we now have a 3 cat strong household and updates should be coming thick and fast. Catty emotions have been running high as Ozzy the matriarch took a bit of a disliking to Snag's arrival and Snags just took to hiding behind my bed for 6 days straight.
Last few days have seen a bit of a turn around with the arrival of Toots, the little black 16 week old kitten, which Snags has pretty astutely recognised as fresh un-neutered meat and has been following around ever since.
Im going to do an extensive cat shoot in the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. arrrrrr i'm so jealous...3 cats...your house rules!

    glad Snaggy has a little buddy to..guess hes done no boning with Ozzy yet??


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