Tuesday 29 September 2009

Jef Leppard

I like this picture cos it shows off Nacho's big stripey tail, but also because it shows that he is already looking to follow in my footsteps, and learn the drums :D


  1. I showed pics of Nacho to my mum and she said "Cor, look at the ears on that!".
    Looks like his brush is taking over as his mane* feature!

    * No pun intended (but take it as one if you are on the same base humour level as me and http://spadgerdisco.blogspot.com/)

  2. haha no i like it.... a bunch of my old mates love a bit 'anti-humour' and some dodgy puns.

    good stuff.

  3. Nacho looks like an advert cat. Such soft fur! Rebecca


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