Monday, 15 February 2010

Harry and Alice

Harry is the big ginger cat and is Alice's son and they live in Leicestershire. They love cuddling and being photographed.

Thanks to Abigail.


  1. WOW that top photo is the best thing i've seen in ages!

  2. That is actual Moggy Spooning.........right there..........WOW! But how did she have such an immense son...........he's huge! The wonders of feline family trees knows no bounds..........

  3. I too, am totally amazed that Harry managed to come out of Alice!

  4. I have never seen cat spooning in life or pictures, love this. Though I know of several humans over 6 foot with liktle mothers, I know of non with bright red hair!

    . . can I note what a beautiful photograph the bottom one is, look at the colours and composition. (navy collar matches tiles!)

  5. He was one of 6, 5 ginger toms all around his size and an all black smaller female


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